Psychometric Assessment

In today’s ‘candidate led market’ firms face the challenge of moving rapidly to secure the talent they need, whilst also ensure the right candidate ‘fit’ with their existing team and organisational culture. Our in-depth screening approach reduces the risk of mis-matches and failed hires, and for key hires or senior positions we recommend the use of psychometric assessments to add deeper insight to the recruitment process.

We offer a range of psychometric tools, including Hogan and the ‘GC index’ which provides a unique tool to consider team fit. These can assess both individual and team dynamics which further improve the recruitment success.

Get in touch if you’d like more information about the benefits of using psychometric testing to assess members of your existing team, and any candidates you are considering.

What are Hogan assessments?

Hogan are considered the world-renowned authority in personality assessments. Their science-backed assessments offer reliable and robust insight into personality. Such insights can be utilised to inform recruitment decisions, as well as the development of your existing employees.

Hogan assessments holistically assess individuals’ personality and identify strengths and weaknesses, underlying values and motivators, and areas where coaching or training may be desirable.  They can also be used to help predict how individuals are likely to behave in a professional setting, and why.   

The results gleaned from Hogan assessments can help individuals to understand their own behaviour traits, motivators and potential ‘derailers’ better, as well as helping organisations optimise the fit between new candidates, their roles and the organisational culture.

Image by Hogan Assessments

What is the GC INDEX®?

The GC Index® is a proven method of measuring employee impact.

All too often people are put into roles that they are not best suited to, where their personal energies and capabilities are not aligned with the needs of the job.

Getting the alignment right can be the difference between ‘Good’ and ‘Great’ organisations. It can also be the difference between retaining your best people and losing them.

Organisations usually base talent decisions on things they can assess – experience, expertise / qualifications and personality. As a result, a huge number of individuals, who could have been perfect for a role, have been overlooked because they don’t have the right experience or qualifications.

The GC Index® offers a different approach to how organisations identify and nurture key talent; identifying how people at all levels in organisations make their best impact.

Learn more at The GC Index®  

Image by The GC Index®