Client Discovery

Client Discovery

Building a robust and scalable talent acquisition process starts with a deep-dive into the core structures of your business.

From interviews and discussions around your culture, values, and people, to an analysis into your business plan, processes, and recruitment experience, our aim is to find out who you really are, what you want to achieve, and how you want to achieve it. 

Culture & values

Your culture is your DNA.

People thrive in positive working environments, so conveying what makes you a great company to work for should be the first step to an effective talent acquisition process. 

Your culture is your key business differentiator and, if communicated successfully, will enable you to attract individuals who share your values and working principles. As such, we uncover what makes you tick and what makes you really stand out.

Here are some example topics we’ll look to delve into:

  • What are the accepted behaviours, values and norms in the business
  • Why do people work for you, why do they stay or leave
  • What do you offer your teams
  • What is it like to work for you
  • How do you live your values or don’t!


We work together to understand ‘what good looks like’ to ensure you have the right people in the right seats.

The key is to consider not only skills and capabilities vs your current requirements but ‘who’ are the right people based on a number of key criteria including values and adaptability to potential future requirements

This process is started by analysing three core areas:

  • Who do we have currently 
  • Who do we actually need
  • Who should be hired at what time 

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

Jim Collins

Take our 20 best people away and I tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company.

Bill Gates


An important part of your talent acquisition strategy is being able to communicate your business ‘story’.  Always keeping in mind, where your journey started, where you are at present, and what the plan is for the future.

Candidates will want to understand the business in detail including: company structure, stakeholder landscape, objectives, priorities, drivers, deliverables.

Systems & Processes

What systems and processes do you have in place across the business. Which team has access to what, when, and how effective are they? 

Analysing systems and processes both at business and at recruitment level enables two crucial components to effective talent acquisition:

  • Clarity regarding candidate communication
  • Ensuring your candidate experience is a great one

Excelling in both these areas will enable your business to really stand out from the crowd.  

Key Benefits of the discovery process

  • Clarity of message – you/we can clearly communicate your story and the opportunity to the right people
  • Less time wasted – with clarity, only the right people will be attracted by what you have to offer and, crucially, will want to get on board
  • Engaged employees – targeting and recruiting the right individuals leads to far more productive teams and better business performance overall (insert a stat if poss)


What is company culture?

Company culture refers to the behaviours and attitudes that are accepted in the company and that are embedded in the way the business operates and individuals interact with one another.  Another way of thinking about it is the companies DNA – how it is made, it lives, grows and functions.  

How do I know what my company culture is?

You can observe behaviours, ask questions, build a picture based on research of past and present employees.  Ask candidates what attracted them to the company.  This will give you an idea of what the culture is that exists in your company at the moment.  You may want to embed this culture and ensure it is upheld.  It’s important that the culture of your company is part of your talent acquisition process.  

  • Communicate your culture through your social platforms.  
  • Ensure your website and particularly your careers page is rich with content that clearly shows who you are as a company.  
  • Check your ratings on platforms such as Glassdoor.  
  • Discuss the culture with candidates so that they understand the business and not just the role you are recruiting them for.  

How do I maintain my culture whilst I grow?

By being clear about the culture, values, mission, purpose of the company throughout the candidate experience you will increase your success in finding and acquiring the talent that resonates and upholds the culture and value of the company.  

  • Be consistent in your process
  • Communicate the culture clearly
  • Ensure interview questions and processes include culture and situation based questions and not just skills based
  • You may want to use psychometrics that assess an individual’s values to check if they match with the companies

Role Specification


Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment Marketing

Candidate Assessment

Candidate Assessment

Onboarding Strategy

Onboarding Strategy

What our clients say


Serve Legal

‘Nici Jupp, of Talent Gateway, provided Serve Legal with a first class service.  I liked the personal service and interpretation of our needs and would have no hesitation in recommending her and using her services again.’

Julian Sargeson – Director, Serve Legal

Client Discovery Insights